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Summer Solstice 2014 - Ordo ab Chao?

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Ad Universi Terrarum Orbis Summi Architecti Gloriam

Ordo ab Chao

Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite
for the Mediterranean
Rosae Crucis Ordo
Mediterranean Jurisdiction

Summer Solstice 2014  

      The ANCIENT ACCEPTED SCOTTISH RITE for the Mediterranean Jurisdiction – has celebrated  the anniversary of the Summer Solstice 2014in a Convent at the Zenith of the Mediterranean. The Ritual Masonic Body, the Grand Masters  and the Venerable Masters of the Mediterranean Grand Lodge, the National Grand Lodge of Ancient Freemasons of Italy ,  the International Mediterranean Grand Lodge  and the Grand Lodge of Sicily have taken part At the closure of the ritual works,  the Supreme Council has approved the Document entitled "ORDO AB CHAO ?".

Document Summer Solstice 2014
of Supreme Council of the 33rd:. grade
of the Sovereign Grand Inspector Generals
for the Mediterranean Jurisdiction

Ordo ab Chao?

Ordo ab Chao? Is Globalisation the ante-room of a new universal (dis)order? Those two questions need answers, if we want to understand what is the mutation progressing in the World where we live. Mutation and not change but forced adaptation. A provoked phenomenon mystified as natural. Is it a new world-wide (dis)order called for the Goodness of Mankind or a full check of Mankind?

It seems several centuries ago when David Rockefeller, in 1991, declared: "The world is ready to reach Universal Government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual élite and world bankers is to be preferred to the national self-determination acted centuries ago.".

James Paul Warburg, on February 17, 1950, confidently declared to the United States Senate: "We shall have a World Government, whether or not we like it, achieved by conquest or consent.".

It should need to set up some proper analysis as for the too many questions destined to remain entirely without answers considering that too many are talking but at least the same number is not disposed to listen; the speech becomes such a difficult exploit making null the calls  for solutions which could  lead to a new possible world balance. It seems to prevail the choice for chaos and embarrassment, in order to create artificially a fog suitable to hidden the handlers of the world scenario.

Away from the eyes of majority

"We can forgive a baby afraid by darkness. The true tragedy of life is when a man is afraid by light" Plato said. The fear, considered by the common opinion as an inconvenience for few, has nowadays became an almost natural condition of social life. The western society appears dominated by the uncertainty of future and by the insecurity that characterize the different fields.

The new Media have revealed to operate as instruments to practice more and more invasive form of conditioning the crowd whether in the operative choices than in the sterilization of the critical thought.

According to Epicurus, "The fear is the biggest reason of unhappiness. Therefore, to be happy, man has to get free from fear.". But who will be successful in this enterprise and how?

Nowadays the fears concerning the economical perspectives of every single state have much exceeded all the social insecurity elements. The analysis on the bottom trends of the world economy, leads to consider irreversible the process of change showing the manufacturing industries finalized to a forwarding decline inside the area of the countries till now considered developed in favour of a systematic and no stop delocalisation in those countries where the labour costs are almost insignificants.

It comes out the practical impossibility to grant the keeping of the employment levels for the next decades, moreover of the social level and the general welfare till now existing in western countries.

Therefore the subsidiary labour conditions are finalized to an increasing deterioration, families will become more and more poor while the number of the youngest people, to whom is closed the entrance to the labour market, will increasingly grow.  

...the manoeuvres of the "superiors"

Certain men who repute themselves "superior" since they own "a" power, do not want to be included in one ‘class" of the world but they want to be the "lords" of the world. For this reason they pursue a project of " a new world (dis)order."Some other men who have the power of knowledge, not accepting the role given to mankind in the stated order of all what is existing in the cosmos, want to take the place of the Creator: This is the dragging danger of the out of control technological innovations, not addressed to the development of society but planned to bring new welfare to whom already owing it.

It is necessary to find out the actual border line between white and black, "white and black" that actually do not look any longer so distinct since are now appearing in the superimposition of thousand shades.

The period we are passing by could not avoid from a to-morrow clear vision which keep into consideration  the meaning of the present time created by a past that strongly offers very expensive and negative experiences. It is necessary to exceed the well known outlines of living to discover a possible balance.

Wolfhart Pannenberg declared: "Man is naturally an historical being. This does not only mean that men could and might necessarily decide from time to time about the contents of their life and that life is consequently the result of those actions. Nothing can be taken in a definitive way but everything is in perennial movement, human situations are in a continuous change.".  A community can exist only if a sufficient number of individuals takes care in servicing the mankind, choosing to operate for the common welfare. But this time seems to be still far, as we are all concentrated on our primary needs being slaves of the daily uncertainty.

The instability in government...

We had underlined that instability could only create new instability ( Summer Solstice Document 2013 ).

The world which appears today at our sight is more unsteady of what one could expect and what is appearing on our horizon it might be more complicated of what one could imagine.

A global order of various kind is growing up more and more: this is the anti-altar of the lacking role of the U.S.A. as the unique world power, with the roles more and more impressive given to Russia and China. In this contest is outlined an increasing crisis of the role  of international institutions like ONU, now reduced to a feeble echo of peculiar interests and then basically unable to be a barrier for keeping peace.

In parallel, the world scenario sees the consolidated hegemony of power extra national groups, endowed of incredible gathering of financial funds whose sole mission is to create further occasions of profit, even if in contrast with the single national states.

Europe is lacking in any appearance of unity, limited to show its power only on the Euro with a relative triumph of such particular interests to make it a mere expression of economical interests.

Regional conflicts are possibly originated from the dominating power generally for precise economical interests; a clear example is the event of the so-called  "Arabian Springs", triumph of instability, of the tribal violence, of all the arising religious extremism, of the terrorism: a tragedy paid by the northern cost of Mediterranean, since it is related to the fighting territories explosion, with the increasing number of  "desperados" escaping from the war zones.

Those being the basis of a complete panel, the analysis of the Italian position, for example, give, if possible, more and more reasons of apprehension which evidentially concern a country in irreversible decline from an economical point of view. The democratic institutions, set up after the second world war, even in our home country show a clear oldness and inability to the change, naturally erasing an impulse of general popular refuse towards the crimes of the parliamentary system, with the corresponding regular robberies like that one towards the unsupportable block to recognize merits, the prevailing rules of nepotism and the fulfilling of every valid space by parties, unions and every coexisting societies.

The information who could have a definite role in the rescuing  and in the general knowledge, it looks to be absorbed by a kind of vocation to sleep that makes the news expired  before publishing it  and that the true information  is more owned by one elite than of those who believe  to  own it.

We could not take into consideration that Media are rather a source of manipulation and bulk conformism totally dedicated to the dominating groups of power, substantial refuse of the same concept of freedom.

... and the dominion over freedom

The sole reality is that one by  somebody defined the "International Money Republic": one hundred trillions of U.S. Dollars (amount calculated by the Bank of International Rules) which are stored in enormous global banks, in big hedge fund and in the shadow banking. It immaterially travels over the heads not only of the single ignorant citizen but mostly  over the same national government (and the organisations where they scarcely discuss) defining the policies that today we are obliged to support without any instrument suitable  to contrast their plans. This is the only visible avant-garde of the future republics, starting from the digital ones. Plenipotentiaries of the above mentioned republics, whose logos can be seen on our Smartphone’s screens, TVs and PC; if from one side they are told as the pioneers of new frontiers, on the other they are, in reality, configuring themselves as the new monopolists.

An example above all, that of Google controlling the 70% of Internet’s planetary researches (90% in Germany), thanks to its several tricks on personalization on each single user (supposed) free, but actually paid by the transfer of all private information on its own interests and tastes ) is accomplishing the "Big Brother" Dream. The fact is that hegemony on the Media doesn’t respect any local regulations of markets and control on private lives, their knowledge, their will, making Google itself a "Big Brother", far from Orwell’s conception, as the last was ruling on fear, while Google is doing it in (supposed) freedom of choice.

Where is the Masonry?

Masonry seems to live moments of big uncertainty in the world; it does not find its way in a society where antithetical pushes and contrasting interests are prevailing.

Thomas W. Jackson, Executive Secretary of the World Conference of Masonic Grand Lodges, held on last days of the past year, has given out an alarm: "Masonry survived and flowered for three millenniums in a continuous developing environment, keeping the philosophical principles and the rites of tradition. Actually we are aware to have adopted the prevailing perspectives of the secular world. The biggest obstacle that we have to surpass today is the lacking of vision and the unavailability to understand the purpose and the meaning of Masonry (...). Masonry is one élite organisation, in spite of those who repute that élite is a dirty word. When we have undersigned the rule to accept only good men, we became one élite and we must remain one élite. The lacking of selection in the enrolments has had a disastrous impact.

Now we have to decide which identity of Masonry we want to give to the world. We must give the image of our past, the one of a powerful and influent instrument of Freedom, Brotherhood and Equality of the Humanity, of that Institution which has supported the moral and ethnic values on which to build a Society or offer the image of one lasted organisation? Masonry does not make mistakes, the Masons surely do."

The Universal Masonry has (or we should say it "should have") the aim of helping Humanity so that could be the Light in the unknown to everybody project of the Great Architect of Universe.

It is nowadays well-founded that a big part of Masonry, even if recognizes itself in the principals and in the ideals of the free thought, it is submerged by too many economical lobby interest.

We all have the purpose or rather the duty to do all is possible to make Humanity aware to understand all the incoming risks. The Masonic Institution, in its Mother Houses (USA and Great Britain), has lost lastly its Universality and, as outlined, its "identity". The Mother Houses have finally treated the Grand Lodges in the world as personal colonies, often countered (see as tangible proof the question of the so-called "recognitions" given to the Grand Lodge as subsidiaries of one block or of the other) and all this in spite of the Universal Brotherhood principle. Since decennials are not diffused addresses of common (or uncommon) brotherly cooperation or operative "lines",  notwithstanding they are strongly required by many parties. The "western" institution has practically shaped into economical, political or military lobby according to  specific interests often contrasting with the purpose to create transferability and above all the chaos that we find in society. As far as we are concerned, we belong to the most ancient Institution recognized by Humanity. Its origins are lost in the night of times, suspended as they are between history and myth. It is living (and together we live) because of an eternal generating force, unlimited in every direction and at any time, well further to the physical and provisional horizon: it has been and will always be the soul of Humanity, of the world, of the Universality always addressed to the Good, to the perfection, to the glory of the Great Architect of the Universe. Are we able to see and project ourselves entirely?

Certainly not by ourselves, but united as living members of the Institution we could address to full included goals, we could jump across  new frontiers, that notwithstanding partially seen or imagined, seem to be far away when we stubbornly are isolating and  cutting  ourselves off.

Gathered into a single living entity, we can contribute to the establishment of the Universal Temple and to win after the gifts we received from our fathers, those gifts we will forward to our sons and nephews and even when the single names will be lost, the imprinting of each single "righteous" soul will survive. To do the best we must all fully exploit those tools that the different ages are giving to us, each one according to our own abilities and competences, using our best efforts by  sacrificing body, mind and soul.

The Masonic Frontier

Whenever should exist so many populations as Princes or One Single Binary People, the Person is and will always be the Centre from where everything have had Origin, adapting the actions of the free men to the speed  by which the dynamism of the power are developing and lasting in  time around all of us.

We are looking for a Temple which will be edified in the Mediterranean together to whom that find themselves Inside a participated project  and inside the lovely principals of the Universal Brotherhood.

One Temple whose high columns look from East to West, from North to South. If for one side is glad for the technological discovers of Few, from the other side looks worried to what their utilisation will determine in the life of Many. Exactly how we are continuing to observe from one side the "financing of the global economy", (with the Matter submitted to the Number) and the consequent meeting of the two occidental pyramids asymmetrically upside down (the biggest enslaving the smallest) and the Golden Oriental Finance. This is the reason why we strongly repeat: The Bio is Value that makes Value.

Today is necessary to give to the Word the dignity and the deep meaning that only Masonry can give, making it an instrument for Dispute or Freedom, for Quarrel or  Agreement.

Against the empting of the contemporary sense, it is time to recover centrality at the bottom, to get back  the centrality of Bio, so that the true word might go back to the Man to make himself able to find his own identity. To do that, the only way is a waking up (or renaissance) of Masonry Institution which only Mediterranean Masonry may determine: from Mediterranean, cradle of ancient civilisations (nowadays land of thousand tensions and contrasting interests, which needs those able to bring again  together ), the "new" civilisation is offered and given to reach the principles of institution, to operate a real change and not a mutation of the actual world conditions of precariousness
and decline.

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